Observación de la Atmósfera Terrestre Mediante la Espectroscopia de Absorción de la Luz en Santo Domingo, Ecuador.
Observation of the Earth's Atmosphere Using the Absorption Spectroscopy of Light in Santo Domingo, Ecuador.
David Coello-Cedeño∗
∗Autor principal/Corresponding author, e-mail: Esta dirección de correo electrónico está protegida contra spambots. Necesita activar JavaScript para visualizarla.
Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja - Modalidad Abierta y Distancia.
La espectroscopia es una herramienta valiosa en el trabajo de campo como en el de laboratorio, ya que ha permitido un mejor entendimiento de las propiedades de los cuerpos celestes y de sus intervalos de tiempo; lo que en este estudio es aprovechado para estudiar la atmósfera terrestre, en la radiación proveniente del sol, en el día y en las noches por la luna, en su reflejo. Así se obtienen fuentes de radiación positivamente estable y bien conocida por las bandas espectroscópicas, con las que se puede realizar el estudio atmosférico que produzcan radiaciones espectrales, ya sea por absorción o por esparcimiento en el disco. En este trabajo, se observan los cambios de espectros del sol y la luna, en la ciudad de Santo Domingo, Ecuador. Se utilizó un espectroscopio de fabricación casera respetando todos los parámetros de las casas comerciales, siendo este biohackeo, de una sensibilidad de 600 nm a 300 nm, con una resolución de 0.5 nm. Las bandas espectrales fueron respectivamente documentadas y datadas con las de la tabla periódica de los elementos químicos.
Palabras clave: espectroscopia, bandas de absorción, atmósfera.
The spectroscopy is a valuable tool in the field work as in the laboratory, since it has allowed a better understanding of the properties of the celestial bodies and their time intervals; what in this study is used to study the terrestrial atmosphere, in the radiation coming from the sun, in the day and in the nights by the moon, in its reflection. Thus sources of positively stable radiation are obtained and well known by the spectroscopic bands, with which the atmospheric study that produces spectral radiation can be carried out, either by absorption or by spreading on the disk. In this work, the spectral changes of the sun and the moon are observed in the city of Santo Domingo, Ecuador. A homemade spectroscope was used respecting all the parameters of the commercial houses, this biohack being of a sensitivity of 600 nm to 300 nm, with a resolution of 0.5 nm. The spectral bands were respectively documented and dated with those of the periodic table of the chemical elements.
Keywords: spectroscopy, absorption bands, atmosphere.
The spectroscopy is a valuable tool in the field work as in the laboratory, since it has allowed a better understanding of the properties of the celestial bodies and their time intervals; what in this study is used to study the terrestrial atmosphere, in the radiation coming from the sun, in the day and in the nights by the moon, in its reflection. Thus sources of positively stable radiation are obtained and well known by the spectroscopic bands, with which the atmospheric study that produces spectral radiation can be carried out, either by absorption or by spreading on the disk. In this work, the spectral changes of the sun and the moon are observed in the city of Santo Domingo, Ecuador. A homemade spectroscope was used respecting all the parameters of the commercial houses, this biohack being of a sensitivity of 600 nm to 300 nm, with a resolution of 0.5 nm. The spectral bands were respectively documented and dated with those of the periodic table of the chemical elements.
Keywords: spectroscopy, absorption bands, atmosphere.