The Relationship between the Different Intelligences, Pre-Service Teacher for a Good Teaching Effectiveness and Classroom Management
Some of the variables that affect in the classroom management, teaching effectiveness, and the pre-service teacher are the knowledge and the different intelligences as social, emotional, cultural and spiritual (Nikoopour & Esfandiari, 2017) said “the EFL teachers’ teaching effectiveness was based on some different variables such as their knowledge of subject matter, content knowledge, professional development, and contextual knowledge” (p.138). On the other side, according to Chaves (2008, as cited in Macías &Sánchez, 2015, p. 83) , in looking at the strengths and weaknesses in a teaching practicum, found that student teachers were not being properly trained to manage a classroom. This paper examines how the intelligence and pre-service teacher influence to keep the classroom management and get a teaching effectiveness and so give possible solutions.